Organic herbal gel massage オーガニックハーブジェルマッサージ
30mins ¥4000
60 mins¥8000
Indian head massage インディアンヘッドマッサージ
70mins ¥9000
Medical Bio spa メディカルバイオスパ
¥10000 (trial ¥8000)
What is a Medical Biospa?
Biospa helps to restore your scalp, it works by using 40kg suction pressure to remove old skin cells and excess oil (oxidised sebum) from the scalp and stimulating the follicle.
Having a clean and healthy scalp is essential for beautiful hair. No matter how carefully you shampoo, thoroughly removing sebum and dirt stuck in pores is difficult. The Biospa treatment allows us to clean the scalp while dilating and activating the capillaries of the scalp to encourage healthy regrowth.
By deep cleansing your pores regularly, you can create the ideal environment for growing strong, voluminous, glossy hair.
The Biospa treatment can also combat alopecia areata.
What do you except from Biospa?
Head Massage
Organic herbal gel massage
30mins ¥4000
60 mins¥8000
( Shampoo & dry ¥1,000 will be added. For clients also receiving a haircut, this service is complimentary)
Indian head massage インディアンヘッドマッサージ
70mins ¥9000
More massage on your shoulder and neck with the special essential oil.
( Shampoo & dry ¥1,000 will be added. For clients also receiving a haircut, this service is complimentary)
Medical Bio spa メディカルバイオスパ
¥10000 (trial ¥8000)
you want more massage to your Biospa?
10mins ¥2000
20mins ¥3000
30mins ¥4000
What is a Medical Biospa?
Biospa helps to restore your scalp, it works by using 40kg suction pressure to remove old skin cells and excess oil (oxidised sebum) from the scalp and stimulating the follicle.
Having a clean and healthy scalp is essential for beautiful hair. No matter how carefully you shampoo, thoroughly removing sebum and dirt stuck in pores is difficult. The Biospa treatment allows us to clean the scalp while dilating and activating the capillaries of the scalp to encourage healthy regrowth.
By deep cleansing your pores regularly, you can create the ideal environment for growing strong, voluminous, glossy hair.
The Biospa treatment can also combat alopecia areata.
What do you expect from Biospa?
Prevent thinning/Encourage hair growth
Helps to get rid of the oxidized sebum, will make your scalp have better circulation.
Improves circulation
Having the machine to give you vuccumed circumstances then add the pressure on your scalp automatically gives your scalp aerobics exercise.Exchanging oxygen and carbon deoxidized automatically provides more oxygen to your scalp.
Lift your face up instantly
Having the scalp exercise instatly brings up your cheek and chin lines.
Volumized your roots
By getting rid of all the old sebum and make the pores smaller will give the roots power to stand. You will have the nice volume of your hair.
Bio spa courses
劇的な改善を求める場合は三ヶ月間 週に一度 計12回通って頂きさらに育毛剤の使用をお勧めいたします。
To improve massively, we recommend to come to the salon once a week for 3 moths, total 12 times. Recommend to use the original hair growth formula.
6回コース 48000 円 (一回あたり8000円)
6times course 48000en (one time costs 8000 en)
育毛剤コジマゲン 2000円
the original hair growth formula.